Leadership in Medical Education Pathway

What is the LMEP?

The MetroHealth Leadership in Medical Education Pathway (LMEP) is a 3-year training opportunity offered in partnership with University Hospitals of Cleveland (Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, and Neurology Residency Programs) and the Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management. In July 2019, we matriculated our first class of two interns, with the goal of providing longitudinal exposure to and training in fundamental aspects of medical education. 

The specific aim of this pathway is to prepare internists for success in careers as clinician-educators, either as generalists or as subspecialists. All MetroHealth residents have abundant opportunities to teach medical students and eventually interns; however, the LMEP is designed to provide intensive instruction in the principles of adult learning theory, with mentored opportunities to apply the principles in very practical settings. 

Residents in the LMEP are in categorical training, with the expectation that a modest amount of elective time will be devoted to LMEP activities.

Successful completion will result in graduation with a Leadership in Medical Education certificate jointly awarded by MetroHealth, University Hospitals of Cleveland, and the Weatherhead School of Management.

What are the objectives of the LMEP?

What are the components of the LMEP?


How to Apply

Please check the Leadership in Medical Education Pathway in ERAS. After review of your application, you may receive a supplementary application from our Residency Coordinator which assesses your passion, interest and experiences.

If selected, you will be invited to interview for the LMEP. Please refer to Application Process for further information.

I look forward to meeting you!

Michele Geraci, MD