Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship


The Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship is an ACGME accredited 3-year training program. During training, fellows gain exposure to the complete spectrum of pulmonary and critical care diseases.

Learning occurs throughout the year at the bedside, on rounds, in the ambulatory arena and through interdisciplinary conferences. Rotation-specific face-to-face feedback and coaching is carried out uniformly at the end of each rotation which provides the fellows with a roadmap for personal, professional improvement. 

The program consists of 33 modules (4-week blocks) of core clinical rotations and electives and 9 modules of research allowing for a wide variety of scholarship activities. Fellows learn to lead multi-disciplinary quality improvement projects to successful completion.

The critical care experience provides the opportunity to manage adult patients with a wide variety of serious illnesses requiring treatment in a critical care setting. The majority of the intensive care unit rotations are in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU).

However, because critical care is multidisciplinary in nature, fellows rotate for a minimum of 3 blocks in additional critical care specialties.

Our program is unique in training the next generation of specialists within a racially and ethnically diverse population of patients, the majority being disenfranchised, with complex comorbidities, and multiple financial and social barriers.

Because our faculty and fellows care for a variety of immigrant populations, they have the opportunity of managing unique conditions that span multi-national exposures. 

Graduate Medical Education Information

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