Faculty Accomplishments

Margaret Stager, MD

Dr. Stager posing with colleagues in MetroHealth t-shirts on the Pediatric unitDr. Stager is a board-certified Adolescent Medicine specialist, and Professor of Pediatrics who has spent her 27 year career at MetroHealth Pediatrics dedicated to the highest quality of care for the adolescents and young adults of our community.

Dr. Stager has served in several leadership roles over the years including as the Interim Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, President of the Women Faculty School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, and currently serves as the Chair of the Section on Adolescent Health at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Her career is notable for research studies investigating bone mineral density in adolescent DepoProvera users; HPV vaccine safety and efficacy trials in adolescents; and the use of text messaging to improve adolescent vaccination rates.

Dr. Stager is a highly regarded educator and regularly gives lectures to our residents and faculty and also at the national level at the National Conference and Exhibition of the AAP, and the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine. She has expanded her interests in adolescent health to the international stage with an adolescent health lecture in Cairo, Egypt, and engagement with the International Association of Adolescent Health Communications Committee.

Furthermore, she is an avid advocate for health policies which affect the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents in her role as AAP spokesperson and social media ambassador. You may find her on X @DrStager.

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Ebru Gultekin, MD

Dr. Gultekin smiling into camera in casual photographDr. Gultekin joined Metrohealth in September 2018 from a private practice in Northern Kentucky/ Greater Cincinnati.

Her current research Quality Improvement Project involves participating in a study about improving the outcomes for ADHD patients by following the recommended AAP guidelines. We are monitoring their progress and improvement of ADHD symptoms by encouraging remittance of Parent and Teacher Vanderbilt Scales and encouraging scheduling of and maintenance of follow up appointments. We are then analyzing improvement of scores and demonstration of academic improvement. I am also serving on the Credentials Committee of the Medical Staff.

Dr. Gultekin has enjoyed moving to Cleveland and working at Metrohealth so far and has found it to be a wonderful self-enriching decision.

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Abdulla Ghori, MD

Dr. Ghori accepting award standing with group of peopleAbdulla Ghori, MD, FAAP, MRCP (UK) - Professor of Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Ghori is a Pediatrician with over three decades of experience. He is currently the Chair for Graduate Medical Education overseeing 43 residency/fellowship programs, and nearly 400 trainees. He is also the Vice Chair for Pediatrics at The MetroHealth System, Cleveland, affiliate of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU).

The virtue of his vast clinical training and experience spanning over multiple continents gives him an advantage of possessing a strong clinical acumen, identifying rare medical conditions and in International Health. Besides teaching clinical pearls every day, he runs the series on Pages in Press (recent advance series), and the Evidence Based Medicine Series. He has served as mentor for numerous residents in Pediatrics.

As Professor of Pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University, he is a well coveted teacher in the field of Pediatrics and has received nearly 25 teaching awards from medical students, residents, CWRU School of Medicine, regionally and nationally.

While a Program Director in Pediatrics from 2002-2015, Dr Ghori also served as the Chair of Association of Pediatric Program Directors for the Mid-America region. For his role as the Designated Institutional Official for ACGME programs in The MetroHealth System since 2008, Dr Ghori was honored by ACGME with the “Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead” award for his excellence in overseeing residency programs in 2017, the highest honor for a DIO. He was also the recipient of the CWRU Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine and Excellence in Care award in 2017, sponsored by the Arnold Gold Foundation.

He has co-authored “Spock’s Baby and Child Care in India”, the only parenting book combining the best practices of the east and west. He is a busy clinician adored by his patients with a very high rating in patient satisfaction. One thing that Dr. Ghori’s patients and his colleagues will always attest is his quest for uncompromising quality and championship in all his endeavors.

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Philip A. Fragassi, MD

Dr. Fragassi giving two thumbs up at one of a half Iron Man competitionPhilip A. Fragassi, MD or “Dr. Phil” has been a faculty member at the MetroHealth System since 1994. He is a general pediatrician and specializes in substance abuse disorders and addiction medicine. He graduated from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC and did his residency training at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.

He also completed fellowship training in substance abuse through Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and is an assistant professor at CWRU. Dr. Fragassi is the Director of the MetroHealth Pediatric Residency Program, the Associate Clerkship Director for Ambulatory and Affiliated Clerkships (for Ohio University and Neomed medical students,) and the Associate Director for Ambulatory Pediatrics. He also is an adjunct faculty member of Ohio University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine and has been awarded the “Outstanding Specialty Physician Award” in 1999, 2009 and 2016.

Dr. Fragassi is also the Medical Director of Carrington Youth Academy (a youth shelter) and New Directions (a youth substance abuse residential treatment facility) and was Medical Director of the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center from 2004-2018.

He has published articles on Hepatitis C and Neonatal Abstinence, has given regional talks on Addiction Medicine throughout the Midwest, and is a founding member of the Mother and Child Dependency Program here at MetroHealth.

Dr. Phil has recently completed a half Iron Man Competition in 2019 in Oceanside California and biked the Pyrenes Mountains in 2002. He is a lover of early 80s punk music and could still be seen in “mosh pits” with his college age sons prior to the pandemic.

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